Acne is thought of as an adolescent disease and is included on this site under pediatrics; however, it is a disease that occurs in seventeen million Americans, including up to 25% of adult women, making it the most common skin disease in the country. It can be discouraging and disfiguring to people of all ages. Acne is the diagnostic term for blocked pores (blackheads and whiteheads), and deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that can appear typically on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms.
Treatment for acne varies depending on its type and severity, as well as the patient’s skin type, age, and professional requirements. Treatment options include topical antibiotics, benzyl peroxide, topical Retinoids, oral antibiotics, Isotretinoin (Accutane), hormone treatment, skin peels, and ultraviolet light.
Acne scarring can be treated in a variety of ways after the acne is under control. These include scar excisions, chemical peels, soft tissue fillers, and various laser treatments. Some procedures are done in our office. For others we will refer you to the right cosmetic practitioner.